GIS Parent Association


Welcome message from GISPA

On behalf of all the parents here at GIS, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you. As a parent of a child enrolled at GIS, you are now a member of the GIS Parent Association (GISPA). The GISPA Board is a group of elected parents whose main focus is to enhance the academic and social experience of the GIS community, and this can only be successful by embracing diversity, enhancing relationships with the parent community, and collaboratively working with the school. 

We have some exciting events planned for this academic year, so keep an eye out for our updates on our Facebook page and our announcement board in the main school reception. You can also get in touch by introducing yourself to any one of our members (wearing the red lanyards), who will be more than willing to assist you and answer any questions. If you are interested in getting involved, feel free to drop us an email. 


We look forward to meeting you,


Facebook page: GISPA – GEMS International School Parent Association

Email: [email protected]


Get to know GISPA

To ensure our community knows 'who is who' we have tried to make it easy by introducing ourselves, along with a photo and a little bit about each of us. Please say hello at any time, we would love to get to know you.

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