Field Trips
Primary School
Field Trips
Throughout the year, field trips, which are authentically linked to units of inquiry, are arranged including - theaters, museums, historic buildings, etc. They are considered part of the program and participation is expected. Permission forms must be signed by a parent or guardian. The student will pay for all transportation, entrance fees and guided tours (maximum total of AED 600 per academic year). Standards of dress and behavior are the same on field trips as during a regular school day (school uniform) and students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately. Occasionally, some students remain in school rather than taking part in the trip. These are extraordinary situations. Students who are excused from the trip are expected to attend school and work will be provided by the class teacher.
Grade Level Extended Field Trips (Overnight camps)
Much social development takes place during adolescence and our program encourages social-emotional development as well as academic learning. We want students to become courageous and to experience things first hand. To this end, we take advantage of our local and regional environment by visiting historic sites in the region as well as engaging in team-building exercises. These trips are a compulsory part of the School Program. We are unable to include the cost of these trips in school fees.
Students are expected to behave in a safe and considerate manner during extended field trips. Rules are established to protect the rights and safety of all students and may vary according to the particular trip. Students who do not follow the rules may be excluded from activities or sent home at their parents’ expense. In the case of a serious infraction, it is likely that a student will be excluded from future school trips and face disciplinary action upon return to school.
Secondary School
Educational Field Trips
To support our holistic development aims, subject areas plan field trips for Secondary School students, relating to curriculum content. These trips are aligned to curriculum content and provide extended learning opportunities, in relation to academic assessments. Where possible, educational field trips will be scheduled to take place during the school day, and so, students are expected to attend. While field trips may incur an additional cost, based on the nature of the trip, the school endeavors to maintain reasonable costing for all trips.