World Scholar’s Cup Superstars
Three teams of bright young minds from GEMS International School - Al Khail (GIS) took part in the Global Round of the World Scholar’s Cup held recently in Manila, Philippines. The students had qualified for the event on the basis of their performance in the Dubai round of the World Scholar’s Cup.
A unique global event that involves debates, discussions, quiz bowls, and other academic challenges, the 2019 World Scholar’s Cup explored the theme of ‘A World on the Margins’. Activities were oriented around subjects including science, technology, history, social studies, literature and film, the arts, and current affairs.
GIS Junior Division and Senior Division teams shine on the world stage
GIS’s junior division team included Youssef Farag, Yuheng Yang and Nourhan Ibrahim. Youssef won a gold medal for science and Yuheng was awarded a gold medal in writing. Nourhan was the top junior scholar from GIS, winning a gold medal in the history category and a silver medal across all challenges. As a team, they won a silver medal overall.
The Senior Division at the event featured two teams from GIS. ‘Team 588’ included Taleen Alnaser, Zoya Kherani and Sarah Attyani. Taleen won two silver medals for writing and debating, while Zoya won two silver medals for arts and writing. Sarah was the top performer for her team, earning two gold medals, including in the social studies category. As a team, the three scholars won a gold medal in the writing competition.
“The curriculum for the event exposed us to things that you wouldn’t normally learn in school,” said Taleen.
Teammate Zoya found the debate competition the most rewarding and spoke highly of the overall experience of attending: “The best part of the whole experience was being on a global stage, meeting new people from different backgrounds.”
‘Team 589’, the other team of GIS scholars in the senior division, consisted of Rushil Raja, Yassin Ahmed, and Hania Ibrahim. Rushil won a gold medal for his performance in the debate competition, and Yassin earned a gold medal in the writing competition. Hania was the top senior scholar from GIS, earning a gold trophy in the writing competition and a silver medal across all challenges. As a team, they won gold medals in the team writing and team debate competitions.
“I loved working with my teammates during the debating and collaborative writing events,” said Hania. “I thoroughly enjoyed the social aspect of the trip and met many amazing people, making great friends in the process.”
More to come
The teams were outstanding ambassadors for GIS, embracing a great learning experience and making friends from around the world. Perhaps the greatest cause for pride, for the GIS community, is that all three of the teams earned a place at the ‘Tournament of Champions’ held at Yale University. It promises to be another amazing experience for our young scholars.